I had a blast flying to Seattle and shooting a wedding for some Air Force friends of my brother and sister-in-law.  They are an awesome couple with a wonderful family!  It was a win-win, as area photographers are often very expensive.  I got to travel to a favorite city, and Heather and Brian were able to save some money.


We started at the bride’s home, getting herself dolled up for the big event.  Her sister helped with the hair/make-up touch ups and getting into her gorgeous gown.


Ever laughing and playing around, Heather made faces at her niece while she got zipped into her dress.









Final touches, and we’re off to the Woodinville Lavender Farm.



Heather and Brian were so laid back and nice.  What they really wanted was their friends and family to have a wonderful time.


They chose a beautiful lavender farm for the ceremony venue and it was as simple as…

The rings,



A gorgeous girl in a gorgeous gown,


And her handsome groom.


If you know Heather, you need to ask her what had she and her dad in stitches down the aisle.  He’s a retired AF General.  Keep that in mind when she tells you 🙂


The petite chaplain who married them is a retired Major General in the Air Force.  She is the only female to be Chief of Chaplains in the armed forces.  The ceremony was beautiful.








His girls have his number, it’s obvious





Beaming after their marriage ceremony…














A lot of emphasis is on the bride’s attire and accessories.  Not to be outdone, the groom needs photos of his duds.












It’s done!  And now they can’t wait to party at the reception!





First, a selfie.  Then on to the winery!




Kestrel Winery hosted the beautiful reception with lots of wine and delicious food!








Remember that retired Major General?  She can boogie!


A WONDERFUL time had by all.  The DJ was amazing.  Serving up lots of 80’s favorites, and some awesome hip hop that kept the floor packed!




Seattle is one of my favorite destinations.  Please feel free to contact me about shooting a wedding in the area!  It’s often more affordable than a local photographer.