HeLLo out there!!!  I am crazy busy these days, and for good reason!  Now is the perfect time for family photos.  The weather is getting crisp, so shopping, online, or at the mall is really fun. Layering colors, textures, and prints to create a great look is a lot of fun!



There are beautiful canyons all over Utah County for family photos.  Check out the colors on and give me a call to schedule before the leaves are all gone.  We’re just starting to see the golds and oranges in the tips of the leaves in the higher canyons.


Here are a few pointers for preparing for family photos:

When choosing what you’ll wear for your photos…

-Where will your prints hang/be displayed?  Will the colors match your decor?

-What kind of picture do you want?  Formal, casual, candid, fun…

-What do you have, and what will you have to look for?

-Do you want to blend with the surroundings, or really stand out?

#1 question to ask yourself… Will my husband sit in the pants I want him to wear.  My husband wouldn’t last year.  This is an important consideration.





I don’t mind one bit, mixing colors and patterns galore!  Keep your print sizes varied, and I always tell couples to pick 4-5 colors to mix and match around the group, and then one POP of color to add here and there throughout the group in small doses.




Keep in mind that “neutral” means something different to every person.  Once you’ve considered where your print(s) will hang, start with the colors in that room and add from there.

Don’t worry about mixing blue and black, or brown and black, as long as they’re included in more than one outfit.  It will definitely work.







Decide what type of session you want.  If you want posed, candid, lifestyle (kind of like the photographer is a fly on the wall at a family activity, or at home).  Discuss this with your photographer if you have a specific idea in mind, or check out their general style and put your trust in their work.


Make sure everyone is well rested and well fed.  Also, I used to keep a stash of bribes, but some families have different dietary concerns or preferences, so it’s best if you have some sort of bribe either at the shoot, or a treat for the young and the restless if they cooperate during the shoot.


Schedule about 1.5 hours before sunset if you are planning a 1 hour session.  If there’s a delay you won’t be left in the dark.  MAKE SURE you check out sunset times.  They change really quickly with each passing fall day.



Moms generally leave their outfit and their getting ready until last.  Make sure you’ve left yourself enough time to feel confident with the result.  It’ll show in your photo if you’ve felt rushed or stressed.



Your family knows what you look like.  They know what they look like.  They want to capture this time for posterity and to remember this time in their lives.  Don’t stress needlessly over the superficial.  Enjoy it and most importantly, don’t put it off until…. You are perfectly you just as you are right now.